Start Ups

Advice for your new business

MWS work with clients of all backgrounds from the very beginning of their entrepreneurial career.  Drawing upon this diverse experience we are positioned perfectly to work with you to develop your business to its full potential.

Key considerations where we can help:-

Trading vehicle

We can advise on the most suitable trading vehicle for your business whether it be a limited company, limited liability partnership, partnership or sole trader status.
Compliance  – From the word go, you will need to maintain a compliant business structure, be it in respect of banking, book-keeping procedures or reporting, we are here to provide the support you need.


Compulsory or Voluntary Registration?  With the threat of retrospective charges and penalties it is key to obtain comprehensive VAT advice early so you plan correctly.


We provide assistance to you during the registration process, on-going processing if required and salary structures.


Up keep of accurate records is essential from the outset and whilst there is a cost of the task, the cost of non-performance is often greater.  We can advise on the most appropriate route for you.

Management Accounts

Management information is paramount during early business development.  We offer a range of management reporting services tailored to your needs.

more than just an accountant…

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